Our Mission is to Keep You Safe
Unmanned Response works closely with public safety agencies, community organizations, critical industry and infrastructure companies, the insurance industry, educational institutions, and the criminal justice system to ensure unmanned ground, maritime, and aerial systems are safely and legally deployed for the social good.
Our Services
Our personnel
Our equipment
Your assignments
Our instructors
Our curriculum
Your school or workplace
Our knowledge
Our experience
Your challenges
Our Focus
Search and Rescue
Situational Awareness/Sizeup
ISR - Intel, Surveillance, & Recon
PR, Recruitment, & Training
Patrol & Perimeter Security
Foot Pursuits/Manhunts
Hazmat Incidents
Temporary Radio Antenna
Industrial Inspection & Safety
Critical Infrastructure Protection
Manned Aircraft Awareness
Traffic Incident Management
Regulatory Compliance
Thermal, Spectral, & LiDAR Imaging
Search and Recovery
Situational Awareness
Utility Infrastructure Assessment
Structural Damage Assessment
Bridge & Highway Assessment
Flood Volume Measurement
Plane & Train Crash Documentation
Identify & Map Access Routes
Food & Supply Delivery
Incident Scene Documentation
Academic & Professional Research
Clandestine Grave Detection
Expert Reports & Testimony
Construction Material & Methods
Infrastructure Collapse
The coronavirus pandemic has taken a horrific global toll with no clear end in sight. Our hearts are with our clients, students, and collaborators, most of whom have been forced to reduce or cease operations. During these unprecedented times, we at Unmanned Response continue to provide emergency response services while we develop exciting new programs.